Legarda: Love of country ‘crucial driving force’ in national growth

By Wilnard Bacelonia

June 19, 2024, 9:34 am

<p><strong>RIZAL MONUMENT.</strong> The monument of national hero Dr. Jose Rizal in Manila on Dec. 27, 2023. As the nation celebrates Rizal's 163rd birthday on Wednesday (June 19, 2024), Senator Loren Legarda described his love of the country as a crucial driving force in national development. <em>(PNA photo by Avito Dalan)</em></p>

RIZAL MONUMENT. The monument of national hero Dr. Jose Rizal in Manila on Dec. 27, 2023. As the nation celebrates Rizal's 163rd birthday on Wednesday (June 19, 2024), Senator Loren Legarda described his love of the country as a crucial driving force in national development. (PNA photo by Avito Dalan)

MANILA – The love of country that Dr. Jose Rizal showed is an important trait that modern Filipinos should emulate to overcome challenges, Senator Loren Legarda said Wednesday.

In a statement, Legarda said fostering patriotism is a crucial driving force in national development, enabling Filipinos to exert a unified effort to innovate ways to improve and serve the country.

"Throughout his lifetime, Dr. Jose Rizal emphasized love for the country and the Filipino people, valuing our identity and independence, even at the ultimate cost of his own life,” Legarda said on the commemoration of the national hero's 163rd birthday.

“We must uphold his ideals through serving others; let us uplift one another by utilizing our best abilities and ensuring the protection of our future.”

The lawmaker cited Rizal's effective use of the “most influential media” of his time – literature – to awaken Filipino consciousness.

“We now have the means to advocate for reform with just a click; social media is a highly effective tool today, ensuring that the voice of the people cannot be silenced,” Legarda said. (PNA)
