Abra town mayoralty bet detained for physical injury

By Liza Agoot

May 13, 2019, 10:37 am

BAGUIO CITY -- Bangued, Abra mayoralty bet Ryan Luna has been brought to custody of the Provincial Police Office on Monday morning after allegedly hitting a voter.

Abra Provincial Police Office (PPO) director, Colonel Alfredo Dangani, said he brought Luna to the custody of the provincial police around past 8 a.m. on Monday following an incident near the oval in Bangued East Elementary School at the capital town.

Dangani said that based on Luna's report, he snatched the folder held by personnel of another mayoralty bet, Dominic Valera, which was being countersigned by voters who came from the precinct.

After getting the folder, Luna proceeded to Barangay Patukannay and reported the incident to the police.

Soon after, supporters of the other mayoralty bet arrived and the confrontation and exchange of invectives ensued between the opposing parties.

Police was able to pacify both sides and brought Luna to the provincial police office. (PNA)
