Calamba professionals call for honesty in polls

By Saul Pa-a

May 11, 2019, 4:31 pm

<p>Members of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) gather at their regular breakfast meeting where they push for honesty in choosing the "right" candidates in the May 13 mid-term polls, at the Riverview Resort Conference Hall, Calamba City on May 11, 2019. <em>(Photo by Saul E. Pa-a)</em></p>

Members of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) gather at their regular breakfast meeting where they push for honesty in choosing the "right" candidates in the May 13 mid-term polls, at the Riverview Resort Conference Hall, Calamba City on May 11, 2019. (Photo by Saul E. Pa-a)

CALAMBA CITY, Laguna - A civil society organization here on Saturday pitched for honesty as they encouraged the electorates to vote for candidates based on their “Gabay Kristo” (Christ-centered values) in the May 13 mid-term polls.

Anchored on their mission to change the face of business, the group of Christ-centered professionals--the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP)-Calamba City chapter--has advocated for the people to “be honest, even if others are not, even if others will not, even if others cannot not,” by instilling Christian values in businesses and governance.

Melchor Hinagpis, BCBP-Calamba City chapter head, told the Philippine News Agency (PNA) that they are praying for honest, peaceful, fair and credible elections and that they encourage voters to choose candidates according to the “Gabay Kristo” standard set of criteria.

The criteria, espoused by the laity organization comprised of the Catholic, Christian Evangelical and Protestant and Born-Again faith-based and religious sector, was hatched four years ago and becomes the standard checklist for the choice of political candidates.

These criteria include leadership traits such as integrity, character, abilities, sincerity to God and country, including their political will to effect change.

Hinagpis said they are cascading the information on "Gabay Kristo" to guide members on the moral basis in choosing the candidates, “but we are not endorsing any candidate.”

“It’s an individual decision for each member and Gabay Kristo is a standard as guide to chose the right candidates who would lead this country, and vote according to their conscience for this coming election,” he said.

The BCBP, a non-stock, non-profit people’s organization envisions to be as a body of Christian men and women whose upbringing, education and training, and current life situation are bound together by their commitment to instill Christian values.

Hinagpis said these values help change the business environment that is “not attached to money” but on espousing honesty, engaging into Christian life program, which could trickle down to the mainstream of society and culture. (PNA)
