Bogo City council approves curfew for minors

By Luel Galarpe

April 11, 2018, 12:28 pm

CEBU CITY -- The City Council of Bogo approved on Tuesday proposed Ordinance No. 006-2017, imposing curfew hours within the territorial jurisdiction of the city.

The City of Bogo Public Information Office said the measure seeks to keep minors safe and address the problem in juvenile crimes.

The ordinance, which will take effect three weeks after Mayor Carlo Martinez signed it into law, shall prohibit individuals aged 17 years and younger from staying outside their domicile during the curfew hours set between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.

Exceptions, however, are given to minors who are accompanied by a parent or guardian and those who are out for educational and church activities provided they can present certification from the school and the religious organization they are affiliated with.

Violators, on the other hand, shall be subjected to the following fines and sanctions:

First offense -- parents or guardians will be given a warning and will undergo counseling for at least one hour; second offense -- parents/guardians shall pay PHP2,000 or render 16 hours of community service; third offense -- parents/guardians shall pay PHP5,000 and will be required to report to the City Social Welfare and Development Office.

Also on Tuesday, the Council approved Ordinance No. 014-2017, regulating the use of plastic bags as secondary packing material and declaring “Green Days” in the city.

Once the mayor approves the ordinance, it will be implemented every Thursday. (PNA)
